Job Description
Senior Software Development Engineer, IQVIA Inc., Tampa, FL. Mst teleco fr anywh in U.S. w/ bus appv. Dsgn & dev web app enhanc basd on req w/ dev tools like Visual Studio, C#.Net, JavaScript, Json, XML, XSLT, WCF & othrs. Sup resp. M-F, 8:30a - 5:30p EST & occ OT. On call in case of proj emerg. Salary Range: $139,194 - $181,300/yr. Reqs bach/mast in CS/MIS/rel/equiv. Reqs 5 yrs w/ bach / 3 yrs w/ mast of SW dev exp incl (if bach 5 yrs / if mast 3 yrs): use Visual Studio & .NET; 3 yrs (if bach / mast): use SQL server; 2 yrs: prov tech & cust prod supp; 6 mnths: API dev exp; bld auto unit test; multi-threadng & parallel prog. Apply: res to: & ref#115128.